Rottweilers are a robust, powerful dog breed with great strength, endurance and agility. The Rottweiler is a working dog, he is the happiest when there is a job to do whether it is herding, competing in obedience, tracking, search and rescue or retrieving the newspaper.
An effective guard dog, Rottweilers are also dominant and pushy - and requires constant training firm, uncompromising rules. A Rottweiler will defend his family and property to the end, but he does have a tendency to become loyal to one person. Although Rottweilers are a devoted and loyal dog breed, play around small children should be supervised.
The Rotweiler is a very territorial, imposing dog breed and is ideal for protection. They are calm, trainable, courageous, and devoted to their owner family. They have a reliable temperament. This dog breed requires a strong leader and firm training. Otherwise you may end up with a very powerful and overly aggressive dog. The Rottweiler is a natural guard dog with a mellow temperament. They are highly intelligent and have proven their worth beyond question in police, military, and customs work over many centuries. This breed needs a lot of companionship and socialization to be truly happy. They can be aggressive with other dogs and should be kept on leashes in public places. When the Rottweiler is consistently brought up and trained, it will be a good playmate for the children. It will accept cats and other household pets as long as the dog has had a positive experience with them while it was young. Friends and relatives of the family are normally enthusiastically welcomed. Strangers can get no further than the sidewalk. The breed does well in competitive obedience, schutzhund, and tracking. Schutzhund lines tend to be more aggressive and thus should be avoided if the dog is purely intended as a family pet. There are two types of Rottweilers, German and American. The difference between two types is the German dogs are breed to work or have the drive to do so. The American dogs are not breed for these characteristics.
The Rottweiler is probably descended from the Italian Mastiff, which accompanied the herds that the Romans brought with them when they invaded Europe. During the Middle Ages, it was used as a herder, as a guard, messenger dog, draught dog, and for police work. It was bred in the German town of Rottweiler in Wurttemberg. Practically extinct in the 1800's, the breed population began a comeback in the early twentieth century due to the efforts of enthusiastic breeders centered in Stuttgart. In Germany on January 13th 1907, the DRK (Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (German Rottweiler Club) was established. Shortly after on April 27, 1907, the SDRK - Süddeutscher Rottweiler-Klub (South German Rottweiler Club) was formed, which later became the IRK (International Rottweiler Club). The Rottweiler standard was then set. The breed was first recognized by the AKC in 1931. Some of the Rottweiler's talents include: tracking, herding, watchdog, guarding, search and rescue, guide dogs for the blind, police work, carting, competitive obedience, and schutzhund.
Height, Weight
Height: 24-27 inches (61-69 cm.) Bitches 22-25 inches (56-63 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 95-130 pounds (43-59 kg.) Bitches 85-115 pounds (38-52 kg.)
Weight: Dogs 95-130 pounds (43-59 kg.) Bitches 85-115 pounds (38-52 kg.)
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