Search Engine Submission - AddMe DOG: Miniature Pinscher

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Miniature Pinscher


The Miniature Pinscher is a small, robust dog with a lively and lovable personality. This is a very loyal and smart breed, but it also tends to have a stubborn streak. Despite its small size, the Min Pin is a strong, athletic dog with the spirit of a hunter and watch dog.
The Min Pin has erect ears that may or may not be cropped, and a tail that may or may not be docked. Its coat is smooth, shiny and very short. The Min Pins requires no more than basic grooming care. Its coat should be brushed weekly or more to maintain a healthy, shiny appearance. The breed tends to shed at a relatively low rate.
Min Pins are very active, energetic dogs that need plenty of exercise. The breed is generally fearless and bold, often called the "King of the Toys." Proper training is an absolute must with this breed. The Min Pin is quite smart and tends to respond very well to training. However, without effective training, the breed can also become stubborn and unruly. Either way, the Min Pin can be considered quite the character, so expect to be entertained by its antics.The Min Pin's lively attitude and dynamic personality makes it a great companion for the right home. With appropriate socialization, Min Pins may be able to get along well with children if raised with them and properly socialized. Though the Min Pin can be an affectionate companion, this is no lap dog. The breed does best in an active but attentive household. 


The Miniature Pinscher, in spite of its looks, is not a miniature version of the Doberman Pinscher—it is in fact the older breed. Their resemblance could come from the fact that both of these breeds were derived from the German Pinscher. Miniature Pinschers were developed hundreds of years ago to help farmers keep away rats. They were relatively unknown in the U.S. until 1925, when the AKC first registered them as a Toy. Their name was officially changed to Miniature Pinscher in 1972.


Contrary to popular believe, the Miniature Pinscher was not developed by breeding Doberman Pinschers down to size. In fact, Min Pins are actually a much olde breed than the Doberman. Nicknamed the “King of the Toys,” your Min Pin will also rule as King or Queen of your house. Breeders and owners agree, these little dogs believe they are the center of the universe and expect everyone to cater to their whims. They have a unique high-step manner of walking which has been likened to a prance, and they ooze confidence wherever they may go. Min Pins are cuddle bugs who will find their way to your lap the instant you sit on the couch. They do love to run, however, and will sometimes tear through the house for no apparent reason. Min Pins make excellent watchdogs, sizing up everyone who approaches his kingdom, and requiring all guests earn his trust.

Height, Weight

Height: Dogs 10-12 inches (25-30 cm.)   Bitches 10-11 inches (25-28 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 8-10 pounds (4-5 kg.)  Bitches 8-9 pounds (about 4 kg.)

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