The Old English Mastiff is a massive dog. The Mastiff has a large, heavy square head with a well marked stop between the eyes. The muzzle should be half the length of the skull. The medium-sized brown to dark hazel eyes are set wide apart with a black mask around them. The nose is dark in color. The small ears are V-shaped and in proportion with the skull and are dark in color. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite but a slightly undershot bite is also acceptable in the show ring providing the teeth do not show when the mouth is closed. The tail is high-set with a wide base, tapering to a point reaching the hocks. Coat colors include golden fawn, light fawn, apricot, silver, tiger or brindle.
According to some accounts, Mastiffs (also known as Old English Mastiffs) were brought to England by Roman invaders thousands of years ago. Another theory is that Phoenician traders introduced them to Britain around the same time. Either way, Mastiffs have been bred in England for more than 2,000 years as exemplary sheepherders, guard dogs, police dogs and companions. Around the mid-1940s, the Old English Mastiff suffered a drop in popularity in England, but enthusiasts from America sustained the breed and helped re-establish their numbers around the world.
The Mastiff is a watchful, reliable, and intelligent breed. They are exceedingly loyal and deeply devoted to their family. This breed thrives on human companionship and affection and does not do well if left alone for extended periods of time. The Mastiff does best in a home with older considerate children. They do not do well with other household pets they have not been raised with. This breed is naturally protective and is extremely possessive of their family and home. The Mastiff is not recommended for the novice, inexperienced, or passive owner.
The English Mastiff was founded in Britain. A very old breed, it was depicted in Egyptian monuments as early as 3000 BC. The breed fought alongside the British soldiers in 55 BC. Caesar brought a pack of Mastiffs to Rome where the dogs were put on display as an arena gladiator and forced to be in fights with human gladiators, lions, bull baiting, bear baiting and in dog to dog combat. They later became popular with the peasants in England where it was used as a bodyguard, protector of wolves and other dangerous predators and as a companion dog. In the eighteenth century the Mastiff was described: "As a lion is to a cat, so is a mastiff compared to a dog. "It is believed that a Mastiff came to America on the Mayflower. Later more were imported. Like most breeds by the end of World War ll the breed was almost extinct in England. Dogs were imported from the USA and Canada and are once again well established in England. Some of the Mastiff's talents include: watchdog, guarding, police work, military work, search & rescue, and weight pulling.
Height, Weight
Height: Dogs from 30 inches (76cm)
Weight: Dogs about 160 pounds (72kg)
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