Search Engine Submission - AddMe DOG: Akbash

Saturday, November 26, 2011


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The Akbash Dog is a large, powerful, long-legged dog that is slightly longer than it is tall. It has a blunt, wedge-shaped head with dark eyes, nose and lip pigment. The ears are pendant. The long tail is slightly curled when relaxed but curled over the back when alert. There is a double coat with a soft undercoat and coarse, white outer coat that is medium or long in length.

Dating back to antiquity, the Akbash Dog may be among the earliest guardians, but different strains have also been used as household guards in their homeland. Also called the Coban Kopegi and the Akbas, this rare breed is from Western Turkey. It is probably related to other white mastiff types, from the Anatolian in eastern Turkey to the Pyrenean mountain breeds of France and Spain.
In Turkey, they were used to protect sheep from wolves and other large predators. They were first imported to the U.S. In the 1970s and continue to be used as livestock guardians in both countries.

The Akbash is a fleet-moving dog, with acute hearing and eyesight. Natural and owner culling has developed strong, sturdy animals. These dogs are bred to be animal orientated, rather than towards people. Their independence is sometimes misunderstood by the uninformed as stubbornness or stupidity.
They are bred to think rather than obey with robot precision. A strong tendency to natural suspicion fosters development of the proper guarding attitude. Proper bonding with sheep requires calm, quiet, steady temperament. Livestock guardian candidates are rarely bought inside the home or made into pets. They need to be introduced to their future animal at a tender age.
The handsome Akbash has been successful in USA flock guarding programs, and American breeders are determined to preserve his working qualities.
In addition the Akbash dog is showing up in more and more activities, such as therapy dogs and independence dogs (aiding the handicapped). It can make a good pet if raised with humans and well socialized; however Akbash Dogs that have not been socialized are aggressive towards trespassers.

 Height  and  weight

 Height- 28-32 inches (71-81 cm.)
Weight- 90-130 pounds (41-59 kg.)


Also called the Coban Kopegi and the Akbas, the Akbash Dog is an elegant, rare breed from the area we now call Western Turkey. It was developed 3000 years ago, by shepherds who selectively bred for white-colored guarding sheepdogs, perhaps to differentiate them from predators. The Akbash is a probable relative of the other great white herd guarders of Europe such as the Komondor, Kuvsaz, Tatra Mountain Sheepdog, and even distant Pyrenean Mountain Dog. The name Akbash come from the Turkish word "akbas" meaning  "white head."

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